Thursday, October 19, 2006


Questions - What's the point?
Answers - They're either lies or they're useless.
Tears - Has crying ever solved a problem?

If all these things are useless and worthless, then why do we constants depend on them. Why do we question everything and everyone? Why do we demand answers, when we know it will no help? Most importantly, why do saturate yourself with self pity and wash our faces with endless tears?

And after all that, even I get pulled into this allusion. Just listen to me! Here, I go on and on about this bullocks, while I, myself, depend on questions and answers.

It is in the equation of humanity. It is the only way to survive. When you happy, right up there, the only thing on your mind is that soon you will have to go back down. And all you can think about is how to make the fall softer or how to keep yourself up there for longer. I tried and tried. Yet, here I am. Back down here. And I can see past it. I don't see a stairways to heaven.

This blog entry is not for someone to read and understand or for someone to be entertained by. This is primarily and only for me. I thought if I try to put this fucked up mixture into words, maybe it will let my mind relax for a bit.

I would love to continue typing about meaningless shit but I need to get some sleep with I want to be alive tomorrow. The other option is to continue and be even more lost tomorrow. Actually, that is not an option.


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