Something Missing: 19 Days

And so the exams are finished. Finally. Up until now I was delaying everything to focus on my exams or at least that is what I was trying to force myself to do (did not work). But now it's all over I don't even now where to begin. I was so much to do and only 19 days to do it. Well, 18 days because on the 19th I have to wake up at like 4 am and go to the airport. I thought today I will feel free and relieved but instead I have a stinging migraine and I am melting.
Right now I am sitting on my broken chair and typing shit because I am so bored. Actually I have loads of stuff to do but I'm too lazy to do them. I can't watch TV because my parents are watching World Cup semi final and I can't stand to be in the same room as them right now. I have no one to talk to either. There is no one online and my phone book is pretty short.
It seem whenever I have something to say or something to talk about something always gets in the way. Today that thing is my horrible headache which is either going to kill me or I'm going to kill myself to escape the pain. When listening to music feels like drilling in your head, it's time to go to bed. But, on the positive note I just took 2 pills of some kind so if my headache disappears (fingers crossed) I might carry on with this entry.
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