Happy Birthday: 20 Days
Sveikinu tave su gimtadieniu! Linkiu tau laimes, meiles ir kad visos tavo svajones issipildytu.As tau bandziau paskanbinti bet neisejo. Norejau isgirsti tavo balsa ir palinketi gero gimtadienio! Rasau as si laiska kad tu nepagalvotum kad as bloga drauge. Negalvok kad as uzmirsau. As taves labai labai labai pasiilgau and myliu tave labiau negu save and visa kita. As labai noreciau tau ka nors padovanoti ir man labai skaudu kad negaliu. Tu turbut sventi savo gimtadieni ir linksiniesi! Tai va, tiek ir norejau pasakyti: kad as nepamirsau, kad tave myliu ir labai laukiu buti su tavim.
To Julia,
Happy birthday! I wish you happiness, love and for all your dreams to come true. I tried to phone you in the morning but I couldn't get through. I just wanted to hear your voice once again and I wanted to wish you all the best by saying it not just writing it in an e-mail or a text. The reason I'm writting this is because I don't want you to think I'm a bad friend or that I have fogotten about your birthday. I love so so so so much, I love you more then I love myself (I don't love myself at all, but anyway) and the rest of the world. I really wanted to get you a birthday present or just give you hug and kiss you or just to see you on this day. It kills me that I can't do any of them. It's like razors inside me, cutting everything that comes along. You are probably celebrating your birthday and enjoying yourself. And I am so happy for you. I'm happy that at least one of us is living their life to the full and not wasting it by sitting at home, making friends with the computer. Well, that is all I wanted to say: I love you, I miss you, I really need you. Ohh, and I haven't forgot about your birthday, but I guess you wasn't worried about that: you was never the paranoid type. I can't wait to be with you.
Sveikinu tave su gimtadieniu! Linkiu tau laimes, meiles ir kad visos tavo svajones issipildytu.As tau bandziau paskanbinti bet neisejo. Norejau isgirsti tavo balsa ir palinketi gero gimtadienio! Rasau as si laiska kad tu nepagalvotum kad as bloga drauge. Negalvok kad as uzmirsau. As taves labai labai labai pasiilgau and myliu tave labiau negu save and visa kita. As labai noreciau tau ka nors padovanoti ir man labai skaudu kad negaliu. Tu turbut sventi savo gimtadieni ir linksiniesi! Tai va, tiek ir norejau pasakyti: kad as nepamirsau, kad tave myliu ir labai laukiu buti su tavim.
To Julia,
Happy birthday! I wish you happiness, love and for all your dreams to come true. I tried to phone you in the morning but I couldn't get through. I just wanted to hear your voice once again and I wanted to wish you all the best by saying it not just writing it in an e-mail or a text. The reason I'm writting this is because I don't want you to think I'm a bad friend or that I have fogotten about your birthday. I love so so so so much, I love you more then I love myself (I don't love myself at all, but anyway) and the rest of the world. I really wanted to get you a birthday present or just give you hug and kiss you or just to see you on this day. It kills me that I can't do any of them. It's like razors inside me, cutting everything that comes along. You are probably celebrating your birthday and enjoying yourself. And I am so happy for you. I'm happy that at least one of us is living their life to the full and not wasting it by sitting at home, making friends with the computer. Well, that is all I wanted to say: I love you, I miss you, I really need you. Ohh, and I haven't forgot about your birthday, but I guess you wasn't worried about that: you was never the paranoid type. I can't wait to be with you.
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