Right now I am at school. More accurately, in my ICT class. I thought since I'm not getting any work done anywaym, I as well make a new blog entry and therefore have more time at home to complete school work which I didn't complete at school. If that makes any since.
Ah. Life's hard. But I guess everyone knows that already. For some weird reason I feel like shit today. I am not even going to bother with the 'I'm feeling depressed' and 'I am sad or unhappy' crap. Fuck it all! I'm sick of talking about how I feel. It's not like anyone cares. And it's like I feel so great after typing all that bullocks!
My eyes are too tired, I can hardly hold my eye lids up. They so heavy, I had to check in a mirror to see I'm nothing is attached to them. And it is not just my eye lids that have some kind of invisible weights glued to them. As I go of the train this morning, I could hardly drag my feet behind me. I was praying for the ground to start moving and take me to my destination. Obviously that didn't happen. So instead I had to somehow make my way to the tube station and descended my heavy body in between a stylish old man with red eyes and a suit case and a fat young man with a cheap hair cut and an even cheaper brief case.
Moving slightly doesn't end because a person doesn't get enough sleep. Or if they waste the whole weekend doing fucking nothing instead of preparing for the dreaded exams. Or if that person feels like they don't fit into the place they have been given. Life doesn't stop so you could catch up with it and hop onto the ride. The difference between life and train is that in life there are no stops and determinations and no matter what you do, it does not stop. You can jump right in front of it and wave your hands and scream like you are on top of the highest mountain - life does not stop for you.