Silent Storm: 1 Day

1 day to go and I'm not sure what to do with myself. Only very few times before have I felt like this. Actually thinking about, I never felt like this. It's not depression. I don't know what it is. But I know one thing: I need to talk to someone. I need them to say what they think it is. I just need to see a reply. Something blogs don't offer which is a shame because right now, this blog is the closest I'm going to get to talking to someone. Someone who might at least pretend to understand. Even with they don't. How many people can do that? Not a lot. I feel like taking out the notebook and writing something. And that is not a good sign. I want to cry. Oh my god! I think I'm going to cry! But I'll wait till I get into bed because I don't want my parents to see me this low. I don't want to give them the satisfaction.
Today was the last day of school before summer holidays. It was a very long, hot, boring day. And when it came to the end, it was time to say goodbye. I don't know if I ever mentioned before but me and goodbyes just do not go. Who the hell invented goodbyes? I'm not sure what it is about them, but I just can't handle it. Standing there, looking into the person eyes and knowing you wont see them for a whole month! It kills me. Especially when you got so used to being around the person and speaking to them. It's like an equations. And saying goodbye is breaking it all apart to create a new one. And just when I got used to the people around me. When all these people started playing different parts in my life to make it just a little bit easier, I have to say goodbye. But the worst part is now. When I turned around and started walking away, I just new I forgot to do or say something. And even now (hours and hours after) I'm not sure what it is I forgot. But it is killing me.
Now it is time for my notebook to take over. For a while anyway.
Tomorrow will be my last day here. But the way I'm feeling right now, I most likely to post something tomorrow as well. I might even write something while I'm on my holiday. Just because someone might just be interested what is going through my head.