Sunday, May 28, 2006

Stronger Dose: 56 Days

56 painful days to go. And everyday seems longer and longer. I try to keep occupied, just so I don't have to think about it. But it's just a waste of time. Everything I do, everything I touch, see, hear and say reminds me of only one thing. Home. I call it home but it's not, is it? It hasn't been my home for ever 4 years.

Home. It's an interesting word. This word brings me security, a feeling of fulfillment and freedom. I don't think anything else can do just that. But it's the word that brings me these feelings. It's what I associate 'home' with. Julia. The name that will be on my lips the day I die.

Death. Even more fascinating word. If, someone was to walk down a busy street and asks everyone that passed by, 'Are you scared of death?', how many of them would say yes? A lot. Up until about 3 days ago, I would of said 'yes' too. But then I realized, it's not death that I'm scared of; it's the things I will have to leave behind. Or the people I would have to leave. Or maybe it's just the things I will never have a chance to try? Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, that the idea of dying does not frighten me. And since we all have to die someday, I think we have to enjoy and use wisely every second we have with the ones we love. We should also try everything we can while we can. Well, you get the message. Live everyday like it's the last.
Live today, not tomorrow? Easier said then done.


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