Friday, May 26, 2006

No Escaping

Yesterday I had an excuse for writing a lot of bullocks. Well, today I don't have one, and I'm still coming up with crap. I guess, the theory: everything good most end, has been proven to be right. I'm kind of disappointed with myself. For not having that supreme force and power of words. For failing to find the rush of beauty and making a drought. For being too weak to not write anything, despite the reasons described above. But as I learnt long time ago, the hard way, feeling sorry and pity for yourself is waste of time. You just have to get your ass up and move on. Try to find happiness. Or as in my case, any source for fairness and peace in your mind. If you keep moving, never stopping at the same place for too long, the things you are running away from will never catch you. But they will always be right behind you. Just around the corner. To get free from these demons, you can stop and fight them. You might lose and die. Or you might win and live free. But you can never be free, can you? I read this thing once while I was studying Kabbalah: A man works everyday from 9 to 5 so he could buy a house for his family and after 7 years saving up, when he has finally brought the house and lived there long enough to rebuild every corner, what does he want then? He wants a bigger house. The things we seek in life, are not the huge house or the money in our pockets. It's the feelings and emotions that these things provides us with:

Fulfillment. Peace of mind. Freedom form fear and anxiety. Financial security. Contentment. Love. Pleasure. Control. Knowledge. Happiness.

What do all of these things have in common? Not one of them is an actual, physical thing.


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